The resources VirusDetectiveΓäó looks for may be modified below. You can also save search strings to a text file (see ΓÇ£Option ConfigurationΓÇ¥ to set file type) or read from a text file containing one search string per line.
What gets written is the currently *displayed* set of search strings which may not reflect what is stored in VirusDetectiveΓäó unless a Save is done. Likewise, when you read in a file, it only replaces what is displayed and is not stored until a Save is done.
The syntax is as follows:
<search-string> :=
<file-string> {; Comment}
<file-string> & <resource-string> {; Comment}
<resource-string> {; Comment}
This says a search string is either a <file-string>, a <file-string> followed by the character ΓÇÿ&ΓÇÖ followed by a <resource-string> or just a <resource-string>. All of them may be followed by an optional (indicated by the {}ΓÇÖs) ΓÇÿ;ΓÇÖ and comment string.
<file-string>ΓÇÖs can actually occur anywhere in the search-string, not just at the beginning. In general you want them first to speed the search process.
<file-string> :=
Creator <op> <CID>
Filetype <op> <FID>
<op> :=
<CID> := 4 character file creator
<FID> := 4 character file type
This says a <file-string> is the word ΓÇ£CreatorΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£FiletypeΓÇ¥ followed by a comparison operator ΓÇÿ=ΓÇÖ (for ΓÇ£is equal toΓÇ¥), ΓÇÿΓëáΓÇÖ (for ΓÇ£is not equal toΓÇ¥) (type Option-= to get this character), ΓÇÿ>ΓÇÖ (for ΓÇ£is greater thanΓÇ¥) or ΓÇÿ<ΓÇÖ (for ΓÇ£is less thanΓÇ¥) followed by a four character file creator or filetype. E.g. ΓÇ£Filetype = APPLΓÇ¥ would match all applications.
A <resource-string> is a <resource-selector> followed by one or more (indicated by the []ΓÇÖs) <resource-comp>ΓÇÖs each separated by a ΓÇÿ&ΓÇÖ.
<resource-selector> :=
Resource Start
Resource <RID>
<RID> := 4 character resource type
A <resource-selector> is either ΓÇ£Resource StartΓÇ¥ which means the first executed CODE resource or ΓÇ£Resource XXXXΓÇ¥ where XXXX is some resource type like ΓÇ£nVIRΓÇ¥. Note: It *must* be exactly 4 characters, including spaces.
<resource-comp> :=
Data <pattern>
ID <op> <snum>
Name <sep><string><sep>
Pos <snum> & Data <pattern>
Size <op> <num>
<snum> :=
<num> := unsigned decimal number
<sep> := any single character
<string> := string of up to 255 characters
Any -
Matches any <resource-selector> resource. E.g. ΓÇ£Resource nVIR & AnyΓÇ¥ would match any nVIR resource.
Data -
Matches any <resource-selector> resource containing the <pattern> (described below). You can specify an optional starting offset position with the ΓÇ£PosΓÇ¥ keyword. Positive offsets add to the beginning and negative offsets subtract from the end. E.g. ΓÇ£Resource Start & Pos -1344 & Data 060CA9#643E9ΓÇ¥ starts searching the first executed CODE resource for that pattern 1344 bytes from the end of it.
The ΓÇ£DataΓÇ¥ keyword must be the last keyword in a search string. The ΓÇ£PosΓÇ¥ keyword (if present) can occur anywhere before the ΓÇ£DataΓÇ¥ keyword.
ID -
Matches any <resource-selector> resource whose resource ID satisfies the given relationship. E.g. ΓÇ£Resource CODE & ID > 10ΓÇ¥ matches any CODE resource whose ID is greater than 10.
Name -
Matches any <resource-selector> resource whose name is enclosed in the separator characters. E.g. ΓÇ£Resource INIT & Name "RR"ΓÇ¥.
Size -
Matches any <resource-selector> resource whose resource size satisfies the given relationship. E.g. ΓÇ£Resource MEV# & Size = 722ΓÇ¥ matches any MEV# resource whose size is equal to 722.
<pattern> :=
<hex-pattern> :=
<hex-byte-word> :=
<hex-char> := character 0 through 9 or A through F
<ascii-pattern> :=
A Data match pattern can be specified as a sequence of hex digits, two per byte, or as a ASCII string enclosed in either single or double quotes. An ASCII pattern must match its entire pattern exactly to be considered ΓÇ£a matchΓÇ¥. A hex pattern can ΓÇ£skipΓÇ¥ bytes by using the ΓÇÿ#ΓÇÖ character followed single hex character, 0 through F, to skip 0 through 15 bytes. E.g. pattern 3C#500 would match a resource containing 3C12C9006A8000.
Spaces may be used between search-string parts to improve readability. Only the first 255 characters of a search-string are saved.
You can use Command-C to copy any selected search pattern and Command-V to paste it into the type-in buffer for editing.
Examples of valid search strings are:
Resource Start & Size<800 & Data 2F3A#F00#C80 ; For finding nVIR, etc. (Appl's/Finder)
Filetype=ZSYS & Resource INIT & Size<800 & Data 2F3A#F00#C80 ; For finding nVIR, etc. (System)
Resource Start & Size<800 & Data 41FA#92E#797 ; For finding INIT29 in Appl's/Finder
FiletypeΓëáAPPL & Resource INIT & Size<800 & Data 41FA#92E#797 ; For finding INIT29 in non-Appl's
Resource Start & Size<8000 & Data FD38#FBA#5A3 ; For finding Scores in Appl's/Finder
FiletypeΓëáAPPL & Resource INIT & Size<1100 & Data FD38#FBA#5A3 ; For finding Scores in System, etc.
Resource Start & Pos -1344 & Data 060CA9#643E9 ; For finding ANTI